Nick Novak Questions Taxpayer Funding of New Bucks Arena on Milwaukee’s Fox6 News

July 15, 2015 Fox6 News Milwaukee [Madison, Wisc…] The Wisconsin Senate on Wednesday, July 15th passed Senate Bill 209 — a funding plan for a new Milwaukee Bucks arena in downtown Milwaukee. The vote was 21-10 to approve $250 million in public funding for the arena. The bipartisan agreement came with some last-minute changes — changes not[…]

Congress must begin replacing Obamacare – now

July 7, 2015 by Nick Novak Originally published by The Washington Times. Until quite recently, it seemed like a common understanding that the U.S. Supreme Court would strike down one of the most critical portions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Liberal groups were employing scare tactics to encourage governors to set up state-based exchanges. Conservative[…]