Nick Novak Questions Taxpayer Funding of New Bucks Arena on Milwaukee’s Fox6 News

July 15, 2015

Fox6 News Milwaukee

[Madison, Wisc…] The Wisconsin Senate on Wednesday, July 15th passed Senate Bill 209 — a funding plan for a new Milwaukee Bucks arena in downtown Milwaukee. The vote was 21-10 to approve $250 million in public funding for the arena. The bipartisan agreement came with some last-minute changes — changes not everyone is happy with.

But in order to get the votes needed to pass the arena funding plan, it took some serious bipartisanship — something we haven’t seen a lot of in recent years at the Capitol. However, opposition to the plan also cut across party lines.

Nick Novak from the conservative MacIver Institute says there are a number of liberals and conservatives who oppose the idea of putting tax dollars toward a private arena — especially one used primarily by wealthy team owners.

“There are so many other ways and so many other places you could get funding for this arena — whether it be through the billionaire owners that own the team and are running the team, or through naming rights of the stadium,” Novak said.


Watch the full news segment here: