Nick Novak Details New Survey of Wisconsin Businesses on Workforce with WBAY-TV in Green Bay

GREEN BAY – Those help wanted signs keep growing as many businesses say they’re struggling to keep the doors open. On Wednesday, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce released results of a new survey highlighting the problem impacting about 86% of employers statewide. Along Bellevue Street just outside KI, there’s a row of help wanted signs as[…]

Nick Novak Expresses Concern About the Worker Shortage on Wisconsin Public Radio

MADISON – Wisconsin’s state-run job centers are back open for walk-in consultations with job seekers for the first time in more than a year. The state Department of Workforce Development announced Tuesday that the centers, which closed most in-person services as a COVID-19 pandemic precaution early in 2020, have reopened their doors for in-person consultations.[…]

Nick Novak Explains to WISN12 How Expanded Unemployment Benefits are Contributing to the Workforce Shortage

MILWAUKEE – Gov. Tony Evers defended the additional $300 a week in federal unemployment benefits being allocated in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. His position comes despite business groups calling on him to immediately stop the payments. Critics argue the additional money is a major factor in the state’s workforce shortage. “First of all, I’d[…]