Nick Novak Details New Survey of Wisconsin Businesses on Workforce with WBAY-TV in Green Bay

GREEN BAY – Those help wanted signs keep growing as many businesses say they’re struggling to keep the doors open.

On Wednesday, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce released results of a new survey highlighting the problem impacting about 86% of employers statewide.

Along Bellevue Street just outside KI, there’s a row of help wanted signs as the company attempts to fill open positions during a time that’s never been so challenging.

“We’re looking for 102 fulltime people right now across all of our Wisconsin manufacturing facilities and about 100 temporary employees and that’s just not typical this time for the year,” said Tom Abrahamson KI Vice President, Manufacturing Operations.

Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, a lobbyist group for businesses, says there’s a big reason workers aren’t coming back as the COVID-19 pandemic winds down.

“Nearly nine in ten businesses in Wisconsin are struggling to hire workers. Of those businesses struggling, about a third of them are actually blaming the expanded unemployment benefits, that additional $300 federal benefit that folks can currently receive while sitting on the sidelines,” said Nick Novak, WMC Vice President, Communications & Marketing.

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