Nick Novak Address Concerns with President Biden’s Vaccine & Testing Mandate for Large Employers on NBC26

GREEN BAY – Weekly COVID-19 tests and mandatory vaccinations have business leaders across Wisconsin asking a lot of questions. One of the questions business leaders are proposing: is a mandate like this even enforceable?

“We have some of the details, but not all of the details,” says Nick Novak who works with Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce.

Novak is hearing a lot of questions from employers, with varying concerns related to the proposal.

“Will this impact the workforce shortage that they are already dealing with? How do they track (vaccinations) ensuring that they have all their employers vaccinated, or provide weekly testing? Who pays for that testing,” asks Novak.

Novak says for businesses to roll out a vaccination requirement or a testing protocol, they need answers first. But the largest concern until that happens is how will their employees respond if larger companies are forced to enact new policies.

“Will there be employees that choose to work for companies that aren’t covered under this rule,” asks Novak.

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