Nick Novak Discusses Coolest Thing Made in Wisconsin Contest with La Crosse’s News8

08.18.2020 Novak WKBT Coolest Thing Screenshot

LA CROSSE – There is a lot to love about living in Wisconsin and you can help decide what is the coolest. Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce is once again hosting the ‘Coolest Thing Made In Wisconsin’ contest.

Past winners include Harley- Davidson and a northeast Wisconsin bakery known for its kringle. Products must be manufactured in the state, though the headquarters of the company can be outside of Wisconsin.

The contest is a chance to celebrate in a year that is different than many others.

“A lot of them are facing big challenges, even today and into the future. We hope that this contest will give manufacturers a chance to tell their good news story about the cool products that they make here in Wisconsin,” said Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce vice president of communications and marketing Nick Novak.

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