Nick Novak Explains Opposition to Sales Tax Increase on NBC15 Madison

MADISON – A new proposal from Gov. Tony Evers would double the maximum amount counties can impose in sales taxes and let larger cities enact their own sales tax on top of that. The plan is expected to be part of the governor’s biennial budget when it is unveiled on Tuesday.

Under his proposal, counties could impose up to a one percent sales tax on top of the five percent state sales tax. Right now, they are only allowed to collect a half-percent sales tax. Additionally, any municipality with a population over 30,000 would be allowed to impose its own half-cent sales tax. That means residents in cities over that population floor, such as Madison, Beloit, and Janesville, could see their respective sales taxes climb as high as 6.5 percent. Local voters would have to approve any changes.

Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) Vice President of Communications opposed the plan saying that, “I think the discussion we should be having is how we can lower the overall tax burden on Wisconsinites and Wisconsin businesses.”

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