Nick Novak on Wausau’s WAOW-TV: Manufacturers Feel Snubbed by Vaccine Priority List

WAUSAU – It’s one of the of the hardest working industries in the badger state, and workers have no ability to login from home, but manufacturing workers are with-held from the priority list to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations, manufacturing workers were listed in the same category as grocery store workers.

Grocery store workers became eligible at the beginning of March, but not manufacturing. They hoped they would be included in the next group.

“That didn’t happen,” said Patrick Taylor, President of Merrill Manufacturing Corp. Taylor says his most important resource are his employees.

“Without them we don’t have anything to offer,” said Taylor.

“The strength and resiliency of manufacturing workers has shown through this past year. Its truly amazing the risk they’re willing to take on coming to the factory floor every single day,” said Nick Novak, Vice President of Communications & Marketing for Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce.

And Wisconsin Department of Health Services says it decided to leave out manufacturing in cooperation with CDC because the group is so large.

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