Wisconsin workers deserve a choice

August 16, 2015

by Nick Novak & Brett Healy

This column was originally published by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and the Wisconsin State Journal.

In March of this year, power was taken away from Big Labor’s special interests and handed back to the dedicated workers of Wisconsin. When Gov. Scott Walker signed right-to-work into law, it gave back workers their own voice, and most important, it gave them more freedom.

Right-to-work states perform better in nearly every economic category than states that allow unions to force their citizens to join a union.

Right-to-work states have faster job growth. Right-to-work states have lower unemployment. Right-to-work states have higher wages when adjusting for cost-of-living. And right-to-work states such as Indiana, Michigan and Oklahoma all saw workplace injuries drop after the law’s passage.

But the most important part of the law is the choice that was given back to the worker. Instead of being forced to join a union as a condition of employment, right-to-work gives workers the freedom to choose whether they want to join a union and pay dues without fear of losing their job or any other penalty.

Because of this, right-to-work has proved in state after state that it is good for the economy and good for the worker.

Unfortunately, not everyone in Wisconsin is aware of the significant freedoms they now have. In fact, even with the state’s historic labor reforms dominating the news over the past few years, one in five union households is unaware they have the ability to opt out of union membership.

That is why we at The John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy, along with nearly 100 other organizations in 40 states, join the Nevada Policy Research Institute in celebrating National Employee Freedom Week Aug. 16-22.

Continue reading the column at jsonline.com.

Healy is president of The John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy.